Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye 2007! And now for my 2008 New Year's Resolutions....

I will not lose to Sarosh....more than twice.

I will not sandbag in league....I would have to play at the 3.5 level for that to happen.

If I should see any Texas Section USTA Execute Officers, I will personally thank them for finally bumping Tim Green and Odion Dibua to 5.0.

I will figure out a way to determine whether it is only myself and 5 other guys who even bother to visit this blog.

I will not trash any of my fellow players on this site....unless opportunity presents itself and I think it might generate entertaining discussion.

Happy New Year and here's to a good tennis season for all!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Another month closer to 2008.

Wow, another month has blown by. Not much to talk about since the Master's Cup the first week of November. Still want to hear the full details on the Trautman/Reader match because I really don't believe Trautman could have legitimately won 2 & 0. Great to see Odion Dibua bumped up to 5.0. He will do just as well at either 5.0 or Open in the local events, and no one will be upset about actually having a chance now to win a 4.5 tourney in Houston. I don't really have much comment on other ratings changes, except maybe Tim Green getting an ironic bump up to 5.0 the year that he plays less tennis than any other year this decade. Soon we can start making predictions on who will dominate what level in 2008. For now, I hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday season. Eat a lot, exercise little, and please don't practice. Maybe that way, I will have a shot against all you guys in 2008.