Friday, August 31, 2007

Mens 5.0 Top 10 Facts and Figures

Here are the records of the top 10 5.0s vs. other top 10 5.0s for the trailing 12 months ranked by top 10 wins:

Win/Loss Record:
Jason Gound 6-2
Tim Green 5-2
Pat Asbshire 5-3
Henry Manilo 4-4
David Wright 3-3
Mark Hilderbrand 2-1
Herb Morton 2-4
Kory Brown 1-3
Chris Leach 1-4
Reggie Black 1-7

#11 Chris Hunckler is 6-2 vs. top 10 players.


Anonymous said...

What's a "4.0" player like Tim Green doing with all these wins over the top guys in the 5.0 division? It does not matter what their rating is, they are playing the 5.0 level and that is how those wins should be viewed.

Anonymous said...

Should it be viewed as a 5.0 win even if it's against a 4.5 player? How does that make sense? People rip the Dubais for not playing up AND Green for playing up. I don't get it.