Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Sorry for lack of new posts, been way too busy with non-tennis life. Draws are out for Fall Fest and I am sure there is plenty worthy of note. Hopefully I will find time to really take a look at it. For now, I will just settle for predicting that Odion Dibua will run away with the 4.5 singles and as I have said repeatedly, I don't get why this guy is playing 4.5. But I digress... Anyway, feel free to discuss away and make predictions and what not. Hopefully, I will also get a chance to come up with another riveting poll question as your votes are the only way I have to see how many people are bothering to visit this site. Looks like it is a number somewhere in the mid-teens. Look at Google, Yahoo, Myspace, etc.!


Anonymous said...

How come there is not a choice of "None of the Above" in the latest poll? I don't see any of those 3 guys "shining" in 4.5s. Strong local tourney results maybe (weaker draws) but 4.5 Major Zone? Not likely. I don't think any of them can crack the top 10 (they all played 4.5 before and failed to do so...at least not recently, 10+ years ago does not count). Maybe 1 of them cracks the top 20...maybe.

Anonymous said...

Probably all 3 of them, but i doubt any of the 3 will have much success.

Anonymous said...

I guess alot would depend on exactly how many of the current 4.5 guys get bumped up or choose to play up next year. The 4.5's are pretty stacked right now and I agree that it would be hard to imagine any newcomers from the lower ranks doing very well in the MZ's.

Anonymous said...

It has come to my attention that this will be Odion Dibua's last 4.5 tournament, not counting the Austin thing, so Journeyman can stop wondering. Besides, how do you not give a top class player like Greg Schmucker a chance of winning the fall festival? That is pretty disrespectful, considering that he almost and maybe should have beaten Dibua at Lost Forest the only time they've played.

Anonymous said...

Frankly none of them would make the top 10. Knutsen would have the best chance the best because of the wackiness of the game.

Anonymous said...

It is no disrespect toward Greg. He is a great player. In my opinion, Odion is just that strong and I don't think the Odion that played Lost Forest in Feb. was quite as strong as the Odion that just won sectionals. Kallus won a set off of Odion last September at Copperfield but that does not make me think he has a shot in hell of actually beating him now. Am I disrespecting him by predicting Odion will win the tournament? I definitely do not think so. If Odion had played all the major zones this year, I think he would have been as dominant as Tim Green was the first year they used the new ranking system. Other than the Coke, where he was hurt, I think Odion would have won every single major zone this year, had he played them. And I don't think I am disrespecting anyone by saying that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Schmucker has no shot against Dibua end of story.

Anonymous said...

I would certainly bet on Dibua to win. Greg sometimes loses badly to people he shouldn't. Overall, however he is consistant and if playing well, has a shot at winning.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about playing in the Woodforest Open at the Giammalva racquet club. Then I saw the entry fee for singles--- $43.50? Are they insane or am I? That is much more than Fall Fest and about the same cost as the Austin year end championships!

Am I the only one who feels that is expensive?

Anonymous said...

Wow! $43.50? That sound incredibly steep. In general, entry fees have gotten ridiculous. Partly because most now include the $3 service fee to sign up online through tennis link. The online entry process saves tournament directors so much time and effort vs. the old mail-in way of doing it that entry fees should be lower for online-only tournanments not $3 higher. Plus, most tournament t-shirts are so ugly that you can't wear them in public anyway. Cut out the shirts and drop the fees, if you ask me. Might actually lead to more local tournament participation if fees were around $15 per person for singles and $12 per person for doubles.

Anonymous said...

Personally I think the tournament should be boycotted. If they get a decent draw, then other tournament directors will be emboldened to charge outrageous entry fees. I know it will be hard for someone like Kallus(ha ha), but there should be 0 entrants.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. That's too steep a price even for me. I guess they are trying to take advantage of the people playing it because it is a senior major zone. It would be stupid for someone to pay that much to play it as a local levels tournament. Too bad because it used to be a fun place to play a tournament. I like Sammy and I like it as a club but they have pretty much killed it as far as the tournament scene goes. I play everywhere and even I have not played a tourney there in the past 3 years if not longer. Basically, since John Kutrick left and went to Copperfield and took the spring tourney with him.

Anonymous said...

Daniel not playing in a tournament. Houston we have a problem!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So what is the current bet that Arya will not make it to the second round in the Open Division at Fall Fest? Or is there a bet he will show up at all?

Anonymous said...

Does it really matter what tournament or how far Kallus and Arya make it in the Fall Fest? Being that its their pocketbook and their choice to play in whatever tournament and or division they choose, leave it alone. It applies to the Dibua brothers as well. If someone gets something out of continuely "rolling over" their opponents or continuely getting "rolled over" in regards to Arya comment then let them enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

If bullys like beating up little kids, you should let them enjoy it? That's basically what Odion has been doing. And who is this Arya guy that of all the players that play open he is the only open level player ever mentioned on this site?

Anonymous said...

I think Odion has a fear of losing! He needs to move up and test himself in the 5.0 and Open brackets. I respect all players who sign up and play above their rating. They are out to compete and willing to accept the outcome. Watch for the upset in the men's 4.5 singles.

Anonymous said...

Odion can play at 4.5 because he is RATED 4.5 so why does this bother everyone here? I am looking forward in playing Fall Fest because this will be my last normal tournament of the year except for the Master's Cup. I will be in the 4.5 mens draw and I hope I get to play Odion in the final, but there are a lot of good players in the draw so each round counts.

I have read some of the posts on the blog regarding Kallus, Arya, Odion and even myself. I am surprised so many people care what levels certain players should be playing. Does it really matter?

Hope to see everyone out at Fall Fest.

Greg Schmucker

Anonymous said...

It will be a neverending battle in here Greg. If Odion and all the other guys everyone complains about and talks shit about played OPEN tourneys, they would get hammered in most of the Majors. The new topic would then become WHY DO THESE GUYS PLAY OPEN? As long as your rated 4.5, you can play that division or play up if you choose too. The "complainers" on here need to stop whining and crying!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Greg's toughest match will be againt Ramirez, if they both make it in the Quarters. after that, he's be in the finals. good luck dude!

Anonymous said...

Odion would not get destroyed in open, especially not at local events. He would probably be the #1 guy in 5.0 if he played all the majors at 5.0. Greg would not do any better than this Arya guy at open, but he would also be top 5 in 5.0 if he played 5.0 majors. The only one I have seen anyone complain about on here is Odion and it would seem warranted given his record.

Anonymous said...

Read what the poster said: destroyed at the MAJORS. Local events are hit or miss when it comes to true quality level open players. Both Odion and Greg would do well in 5.0.

Anonymous said...

Greg is at least as good a player as Arya, if not better.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of players talked about, looks like another straight set first round loss for Reggie Black. If Armstrong is playing 75%, he is the winner.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to see that finally some stronger 4.5 players like Armstrong and Garg sign up for 5.0.

Anonymous said...

Garg was one of the better 5.0 singles players in league, he should take Armstrong. Dibua will easily win the 4.5 singles he wont drop a set.

Anonymous said...

I know Odion and Schmucker would kill Arya and a lot of Open players. They should be playing Open NOT 4.5 no matter what they are rated on the computer. Wouldn't it be nice to actually play a real 4.5 player in a tournament? Besides Schmucker was #3 in the state last year in 5.0's.

Come on guys play Open where you both belong and stop sandbagging.

Anonymous said...

Calling out Dibua for playing 4.5 is one thing, but Schumucker loses fairly often in 4.5. Whens the last time he won a 4.5 tournament in Houston anyway?

Anonymous said...

Schmucker has won two major zones this year already and has qualified for the year ending Masters Cup.

Local tournaments do not compare to major zones. Draws are a lot harder in major zones.

I hit with Schmucker ever now and then and I can tell his game has improved. I would love to see Odion and Schmucker play each other in the final at Fall Fest.

Anonymous said...

If Schmucker would not go in to matches that are going to be challenging to him with an "I already lost attitude" he should not lose a match in 4.5, and very few in 5.0 either. He is good player, just lets his head get to him.

Anonymous said...

Who do you see winning in the 4.0 singles and the 4.5 doubles draw?

Anonymous said...

I think that the 4.5 doubles draw is wide open. I can't argue with the seeds, but neither team has played together before and I'm not sure they are good fits. Dugas/Dugas had a good tournament in Beaumont, Lindloff/Kim had a good Sectionals tournament, and Morales/Tran and Hall/Judson should both be very capable teams. If I have to pick one team I guess it would be Dibua/Moser mostly because of Odion's presence - not to slight Moser but I don't think he presents as many problems as Odion does especially in doubles.

Anonymous said...

What's up with the top 2 teams? Did Kallus and Moser have a falling out or something? You would think they would be trying to play together to get ready for the master's cup. If they had stuck together as a team and Dibua was not in the draw, I would have gone with a team of Kallus/Moser to win this. As it is, Dibua/Moser would have to be a clear favorite. Kallus/Tass might make a good team if Tass is a solid and somewhat aggressive net player to complement Kallus' steadiness and strong groundstroke/return game. If Tass is also a "stay back" doubles player then I don't know if they will even make it through the draw to get a shot at Dibua/Moser. None of that is to slight the other teams cause I am sure there are some solid guys in the mix, most notably Lindloff and Kim.

Anonymous said...

1 Moser, Jochen - Signed up
1 Dibua, Odion-intends to play
3 Schmucker,Greg-intends to play
4 Reader, Thomas D. - Signed up
5 Miles, J.D. -intends to play
6 Casas, Jacob- ?
6 Trautmann, John - Signed up
8 Sanchez, Alej-intends to play
9 Sevin, Scott-Wonders if he has a chance to play.

Does anyone know if Casas intends to play in the Masters Cup?

Scott Sevin

Anonymous said...

I am sure Casas will be playing. Unless he can't get up there because there is no one else from the valley going for him to ride with. It's a joke that Sevin is even in the mix to make it if someone does not go. The guy was in consolation in more tournaments than not. He only won 1st round matches in 3 MZs yet thanks to Reader not being able to find his pot on Sunday morning, Sevin gets Sectionals finals points and stands ahead of guys like Regmund and Kallus to get to play in "The Cup".

Anonymous said...

I think the joke is pretty funny


Anonymous said...

I doubt Casas will miss the tourney. If he can find a way there, i am sure he will find a way to cheat his way through a few matches. If he "hooked" me on calls like i have seen him do before, "errant" serves would occur.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Scott, I'm pretty sure Jacob is planning on playing the in the Master's Cup. He was worried about having to defend all his points from last year's Sectionals but actually ended up getting more points this year by winning the consolation. Nice run for ya there Scott, but it looks like you'll have to break some legs to get into the draw... Or maybe Reader will misplace his pot.

Anonymous said...

Wow, its cool to see all you guys finally starting to get active with the comments. I get an email sent to me everytime someone posts a comment and its been pretty steady the last couple of days. Its going to suck once we get past the master's cup and there is nothing to talk about until mid-January of next year.

Anonymous said...

Well lets all hope we can play Fall Fest and the rain stays away. Doesn't look too good outside and tomorrow there is a 50% chance of rain. Nothing worse than playing 2 2 no ad garbage.

I think all sets should be 3 out of 5 for all major zones. Now that would be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Well, my guess is the last postor was either Kallus or Schmucker as those are the only 2 guys I can think of who actually want every match to be as long as possible and want to be on the court all day.

Anonymous said...

Scott, Casas said that he wants to play the masters. That is why he tried to win the sectionals consolation. Having said that, I expect at least 1 player will pull out due to injury, illness or some other personal reason.

Anonymous said...

Definitely Schmucker

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments! Now that I know Casas plans on playing and from what the others told me during Sectionals, I think the only chance I'll get to play would be if lightning strikes one of the top 8 during fall fest. I'm not saying this is what I'm wishing for...I just saying that's probably my only chance. Nada! See you guys next year...although I'm sure I go to the Masters as a spectator since it is being hosted in my home town.

Anonymous said...

Sevin posted above comment (forgot to include my name)

Anonymous said...

What's either funny or interesting depending on who you are is the fact that Sevin and Kallus are actually tied with the same number of points in the trailing 12 month ranks but Sevin is likely 9 and Kallus 10 because Kallus lost to Reader twice and Sevin was gifted the win and the points for Reader no-showing at Sectionals. Without that, Kallus would have ended up with more points by the deadline for making the master's cup. In a tie, Sevin also wins out because he beat JD Miles at Sectionals and Kallus lost to JD early in the year.

Anonymous said...

The tie-breaker for the Masters Cup is decided first by head-to-head play (I have never played Kallus) and then by the single largest point score in a single tourney. I received 451 points for Finals at Sectionals. So not only did Reader give me the points to be tied for 9th, he also gave me the tie-breaker. Although, it is all for nothing since all top 8 intend on playing in the Masters. So the joke is on me!

This brings up a good point. Does it make sense to receive more points for Finals at Sectionals (451) than it does for winning a MZ (401)? At least it helped decide a tie-breaker, but I wonder if the two should be equal.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you played him, would you beat him? I am talking about Kallus not Reader.

Anonymous said...

Let me interject! Someone who qualifies for the end of the year Masters Cup should at least be someone who CONSISTENTLY does well in Majors and head to head with the other top players. Unfortunately, its very hard to see that kind of action because Texas is so large and every player in Texas cannot play everywhere. I have to say that someone who rarely makes it past the first round should not be invited to play in the Masters at the end of the year, but unfortunately our point system is not a very good system just like the NTRP system.

Anonymous said...

who will sign up for doubles at the masters? i count very few teams who i guess will bother to show up:

reader/regmund (signed up)
greg/greg (signed up)
miller/lenss (signed up)

who else?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that Hunckler/Leija will play 4.5 doubles since Hunckler qualified in the 5.0 singles and will be coming anyway. I would say it is about 50/50 that Rothe will play (unless he plays with Hunckler rather than Leija). After that it is a crapshoot as to who else will sign up as it doesn't look like Hopper/Romerhaus travel.

Anonymous said...

I have only watched a couple of 4.0 matches this year. The only reason Janek or Knutsen would be able to do anything in 4.5, is because their game is all chips, they do not hit the ball. They would just put the 4.5 players to sleep. I doubt the ball in their final match in Sectionals went over 20 mph.

HtownHacker said...

Wow. The score between Jim Wooten and Odion Dibua really surprised me. I've played with Jim many times and he has a nice serve/game, but I'm surprised he was able to break Odion so often. Is there any story behind the score?

Journeyman...if you want to get a read on how many people are visiting your site go to statcounter.com and you can get an invisible counter there. Email me with any questions. houstonleaguetennis@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

the score posted was wrong. Odion won that match against Wooten. He played Quack Bui in the quarters. Bui didn't give up a game in his first two matches. He took that momentum and won the 1st set from Odion 5-7. Odion then came back storming and won the last two sets 6-0, 6-1. He should roll-over Merritt, and will probably play Greg in the finals

Anonymous said...

Ouch Shmucker only got 4 games off Dibua in the finals.

Anonymous said...

Odion is a beast! He'll have success in the 5.0's

Anonymous said...

Did anyone other than Greg ever think he had any chance of actually beating Odion? That's not a crack at Greg because he is definitely a very strong player. Odion will not lose any more matches at 5.0 than he loses at 4.5. He is that good. Problem is, unless he gets bumped by the USTA, he will keep playing 4.5. Not a problem at Major Zones cause the competition overall at Majors is actually stronger than the 5.0s. But the small Houston events? He is killing participation because no one wants to sign up for an 8 or 16 draw event that they have 0% chance of winning.

Anonymous said...

That's a myth. Participation in 4.5 events is actually up in many events. Local and major zones.

Anonymous said...

If Greg had played Odion earlier in the tournament he might have had more of a chance, but Odion started playing outstanding tennis after the first set wake-up call against Bui. I don't think Greg or any of the top 4.5 players are foolish for believing they have a shot at giving Odion a run for his money. He's not invincible, but he has been playing really well this year and apparently the 4.5 guys aren't used to being tested beyond their limits.

I'm pretty sure Odion is going to move on to higher divisions after the Master's Cup. He will gain 100 pts in the rankings from winning the Fall Fest and will now go into the Master's Cup with a 1st place lead over Moser. Clearly his goal is to end the season ranked #1 to put a cap on his dominance over the 4.5 division. Unless some of the top 8 4.5's can rise to the occasion I'm betting that he'll do just that.

Anonymous said...

By the way. I remember John Cox dominating the 4.0s last year. Why is he not playing tournaments anymore?

Anonymous said...


I still have no problem with Odion playing 4.5 next year if he decides to. Yesterday Odion played really well until the second part of the second set. Odion is a nice guy and a class act on and off the court.

The only reason why not to play 5.0 and this was my reason for this year is the draw size is too small. The last two years I played 5.0 with Herb and Tim, but traveling to Ft Worth to play in a draw of 8 guys is not very motivating.

I think if the draws remain the same in 5.0 more players will just play 4.5 to play more matches. This could be the reason why Odion has stayed away from 5.0 like I did this year as well.

Odion congrats for a good tournament!

Greg Schmucker

Anonymous said...

I think guys like Cox and Dibua just like winning, and dont want the competition of playing where they actually might lose a match.

Anonymous said...

If Odion claims he plays 4.5 because he gets more out of one or two matches that he wins 6-0, 6-1 for a total of 5 rollover 4.5 matches vs. 3 more challenging 5.0 matches that is a crock of shit. The only reason to do it is because of how awesome it must feel to completely dominate all the way throught the draw. That being said, I honestly think he would dominate 5.0 almost as much as he has 4.5

Anonymous said...

And don't give the load of BS that he plays 4.5 because that's where the computer says he should play. We all know how good a job the computer ratings have done. Now go ahead and tell me how I am whining and I need to just shutup and take some lessons.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this is true or not...but I just heard that David Hall has filed a grievance against Odion for being so unbeatable.

Anonymous said...

Odion Dibua's points will not change after winning Fall Fest. Only your 5 best scores count.

Anonymous said...

John Cox said he was a little burned out after playing 76 matches in 2006 (He won 70 of them). He decided not to play a USTA tournament in 2007 and is supposed to play 4.5 in 2008

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear John Cox will be back. It will be interesting to see how he will do at 4.5.

Anonymous said...

If Jochen is moving to France, Odion moves up to 5.0, and all these 4.0 guys are moving up to 4.5, then maybe Kallus will have a chance of winning some matches again. Saw the guy completely falling apart against Daniel Morales on Saturday after playing a good match that morning. Can he not care enough to actually try hard twice on the same day? It seems like he has consistently played one good match per tourney to be followed later that day by getting his A** kicked. He doesn't look like he has gotten old or fat yet so what's the deal.

Anonymous said...

Kallus has lost a step and appears to have put on a little weight as well. During the off season Kallus needs to re-tool his game if he expects to beat the likes of Odion, Schmucker, Moser, well basically all the top guns in 4.5.

Anonymous said...

Knowing Kallus, he will freak out when he reads that post about his weight. Probably won't eat for a week now.

Anonymous said...

Being Kallus, I know you are right about my reaction. Can't a man grow old and try to start spending more (some) time with his family without getting fat and losing a step? Guess I will eat some undercooked chicken to see if I can speed-shit away a few pounds before anyone is forced to look at my fat nastiness bouncing all over the court at the next tournament. I wish a few pounds and a step were all that stood between me and beating Dibua.

To answer another question I saw, as far things stood on Sunday, Jochen and I are playing Master Cup together as a team. Hard to fault a guy for taking the chance to play with Dibua when the guy calls and asks.

Anonymous said...

In regards to someone saying the level of play in 4.5 is greater than 5.0 i would have to disagree. With the exception of a few 4.5 players, the players i have seen at the Coke like Green, Gound etc. are a notch above MOST of the ones that play 4.5. With the exception of the Dibuas, Reader and a few others, do you think any others have a chance to beat Green, Gound etc? Gound has not lost many matches in 2 years, nor has Green. Manalo only has losses to the other 5.0 participants, but i am sure Dibua, Reader and couple others could take him.

Anonymous said...

David Hall just filed a grievience against Odion to "test the system" and Kallus for playing in the wrong weight division.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Kallus is too mental. I thought he would beat Danial Morales, but once again you cried about the court conditions and the way Morales played you.

Hello Kallus get a clue and learn how to beat pushers or you will never reach the Masters Cup. Aren't you friends with Schmucker and Green? You should take some lessons from them.

Anonymous said...

Given that Morales nearly beat Schmucker in the next round, losing it in the super-tiebreak, why should Kallus be ashamed of losing to him? You imply that it was Kallus' match to lose instead of giving credit to Morales. Everyone, including Kallus, no make that ESPECIALLY Kallus, seems to know that Kallus almost always loses badly to pushers. Its funny, cause he actually holds his own pretty well against players with strong serve and heavy groundstrokes. I have been at more than one tournament where he was giving Schmucker a really hard time until Greg broke out his patented moonball game that he loves to threaten everyone with. If Daniel bitched about the way Morales played, then that is a shame but only Morales should have a reason to be bothered by it.

Anonymous said...

"Odion Dibua's points will not change after winning Fall Fest. Only your 5 best scores count."

Yep, only the best five count, and Odion has a 600, a 400, and a 250. The rest are 100's. Fall Fest is a 200 pt tournament, so he'll pick up a net gain of 100 pts for winning it. His new points total should be 1555 putting him in first above Moser.

Anonymous said...

I talked to Odion at the fall fest and he told me that he plays 4.5 because the draws are much bigger and the level of 4.5 and 5.0 are pretty much the same. He even won the only 5.0 tournament he has played (the woodlands open 2003) and Tim Green and others were very much in the draw. That being said, he said the fall fest was his last 4.5 tournament, except for the masters cup thing. He is going to play 5.0 and Open next year. Yes, everyone can have some champagne, cake and punch.

Anonymous said...

Damn why does everyone hate on Daniel Kallus on this blog so much? Funny at times it is either Tim Green, Jochen Moser, Odion, myself, and Kallus.

Daniel had a pretty good year this year, but came short for the Master's Cup and still a lot of people on this blog blast him. Why?

If you have something to say then post with your real name. Stop hiding behind ANONYMOUS. It is too easy.

Greg Schmucker